Road races of any distance up to 12 miles in all fifty states
If you're new to running or the longer stuff just isn't your thing - the Liberty challenge is for you! Runners must finish any combination of races from one mile to 12 miles in every state to complete this challenge
Road races 13 miles to 25 miles in all fifty states
If your usual race distance starts at a half marathon but ends just before a marathon, the Freedom challenge has you covered. Runners must finish any combination of races from 13 miles to 25 miles in every state to complete this challenge
Road races 26 miles or longer in all fifty states
The Eagle challenge is suited for marathon and ultra runners. Runners must finish any combination of races longer than 26 miles in every state to complete this challenge
100 marathons or half marathons anywhere
The Capitol challenge is perfect for those who want the freedom to run anywhere. Runners must finish 100 marathons or half marathons anywhere in the world to complete this challenge
200 marathons or half marathons anywhere
If the Capitol challenge wasn't enough for you, we've got the Valor challenge! Runners must finish 200 marathons or half marathons anywhere in the world to complete this challenge
Road races 20km or longer in all ten Canadian provinces
Whether you're Canadian or you just love visiting the country, the True North challenge is the ticket! Runners must finish any combination of races longer than 20km in all ten Canadian provinces to complete this challenge